德国进口徕卡Leica取材工具收纳包Leica Instrument Cases 38DI01100
原装进口德国徕卡Leica取材工具收纳包Leica Instrument Cases 38DI01100
Instrument Cases are vinyl, zippered and velour-lined with inside protective closures.
Allows organization and/or privitizes dissection instruments.
Available in different sizes.
38DI01100 徕卡取材工具收纳包(不含器械, 可容纳39件工具) Leica Instrument Cases Carrying Case To Hold 39 INSTR
38DI01101 徕卡取材工具收纳包(不含器械, 可容纳33件工具) Leica Instrument Cases Carrying Case To Hold 33 INSTR