德国贺利氏·泰克诺维Kulzer Technovit Histoblade切片机刀片与刀架Histoblade and blade holder 66045730、64708996
德国原装进口贺利氏古莎·泰克诺维Kulzer Technovit Histoblade and blade holder切片机刀片与刀架 66045730、64708996
The Technovit® Histoblade is specially suited for cutting tissue samples embedded in HEMA (2-hydroyethyl methacrylate) and materials with industrial applications with a section thickness of up to 1μ. Thus,
coupled with the exceptionally stabile blade holder, a cheap alternative to other knives is available.
The benefits:
Heavy, stabile design
Easy to use
Good cutting results for up to 1μ section thickness
Optimised section quality
Improved durability
The knife angle when using the Technovit® Histoblade should be 9° for microm/thermal rotation microtomes
You need an „NR“, „SL“ or „N“ blade holder. For Reichert- Jung/Leica-Rotation microtomes at 0°. You need an „N“ blade holder. Please contact your microtome provider if you have any questions.
66045730 切片机刀片Technovit® Histoblade 1 x 50 units(Histoblade: 60 x 19 x 1 mm, 2 4-mm holes)
64708996 切片机刀架Technovit® Microtome blade holder, 17 cm(Blade holder: 170 x 34 x 10 mm)