德国贺利氏·泰克诺维Kulzer Technovit 7100树脂包埋试剂盒64709003
德国原装进口贺利氏古莎·泰克诺维Heraeus Kulzer Technovit 7100 Embedding Kits包埋树脂试剂盒(64709003)
Technovit 7100包埋树脂试剂盒作为Kulzer公司推出的组织学包埋树脂产品的杰出代表,一经推出,风靡科学界。
• 基质是乙二醇甲基丙烯酸树脂,常用在光学显微镜下组织块的包埋(医学、植物学、动物学、工业领域)
• 可以用旋转切片机来加工包埋的组织块,厚度可达1微米,切片机的刀片可以用一次性硬质金属刀片
• 使用简单方便,
• 较低的聚合温度(使用特氟龙包埋模具),不适用于常规染色、酶测
• 包埋块均匀的硬度保证超薄切片的均一性,适合微米级别切片
• 低毒性(归功于巴比妥酸做催化剂)
• 固化包埋块可以用Technovit 3040简单快速的固定于组织模具。
Heraeus Kulzer Technovit 7100 Embedding Kits 64709003 (500 ml/ 1 x 40 ml/ 5 x 1 g)
Technovit 7100 is a plastic embedding system based on HEMA* (2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate).
The hydrophillic resin is used in medicine, botany, zoology and in the industry for embedding tissues for light microscope studies.
The sections can be used for histological staining and enzyme detection.
Technovit 7100 transparently polymerises. Uniform thin sections can be made out of the blocks with the rotation microtome.
It is not necessary and also not possible to elute the plastic out of the block and the section.
Material properties
The chemical polymerisation of Technovit 7100 is initiated using a barbituric acid derivative in combination with chloride ions
and benzoyl peroxide.
The catalyst system does not have any aromatic amines compared to traditional systems.
Overview of the benefits
• Uncomplicated handling
• Reproducibility and reliability of the embedding due to the constant, documented quality controls of the individual components
• Low polymerisation temperature due to Teflon embedding forms
• Equal hardening of the block, thus uniform and thinnest possible sections
• Low shrinkage artefacts, thus excellent tissue morphology
• In addition to routine staining, enzyme detection is also possible
• Less toxic due to catalyst made of barbituric acid
• Polymerisation at room temperature (20 °C)
• Airtight sealing not possible while hardening
• Decalcifi cation not necessary for haematological illiac crest biopsies
Heraeus Kulzer Technovit 7200 VLC 64709019
Photocuring one-component methacrylate-based resin for embedding and subsequent production of thin ground sections in medicine and dentistry.
Heraeus Kulzer Technovit 7210 VLC 64709017
Photocuring one-component precision adhesive on the basis of methacrylate for precision adhesion of polymerized specimens on acrylic
glass specimen holders.
Heraeus Kulzer Technovit 7230 VLC 64709018
Photocuring one-component adhesive methacrylate-based, for the fixing of tissue specimens in the embedding mould.
Designation | Quantity | Art.-no. |
Technovit® 7100 combipack | 1 x 500 ml basic solution | 64709003 |
Technovit® 7200 VLC | 1 x 1000 ml | 64709019 |
Technovit® 7210 VLC | 2 x 15 ml | 64709017 |
Technovit® 7230 VLC | 1 x 100 ml | 64709018 |
PE embedding mould, ø 25 mm | 3 pcs. | 64708955 |
Blade holder, 17 cm | 1 pcs. | 64708996 |
Heraeus Kulzer GmbH (Made In Germany)