Fisherbrand玻片染色缸/染色皿/着色皿Fisherbrand™ Glass Staining Dishes
美国原装进口Fisher飞世尔Fisherbrand玻片染色缸/染色皿/着色皿Fisherbrand™ Glass Staining Dishes
● 最多可背对背放置 10 片或 16 片 3×1' (75×25 mm) 的玻片
● 重型玻璃材质,垂直放置玻片
● 矩形染色缸,带 5 槽或 8 槽,每个槽可背对背放置 2 片玻片
● 带塑料螺旋紧密盖或厚玻璃盖
08-816 5槽,最多可染10片载玻片,带塑料盖,12只/箱
08-817 8槽,最多可染16片载玻片,带玻璃盖,12只/箱
Fisherbrand™ Glass Staining Dishes for 10 Slides, with Screw Cap 08-816
Hold up to 10 standard 3 x 1 in. (75 x 25mm) slides back-to-back
Heavy molded glass Coplin staining dish holds slides vertically
Rectangular body with five grooves
With tight-fitting plastic screw cap
Fisherbrand™ Glass Staining Dishes for 16 Slides 08-817
Staining jar holds 3 x 1 in. (75 x 25mm) slides vertically
Eight grooves, each wide enough to hold two slides back-to-back
With molded glass cover