美国进口Vector玻片粘附剂/组织切片粘合剂VECTABOND Reagent SP-1800
美国进口Vector玻片粘附剂/组织切片粘合剂VECTABOND Reagent SP-1800
VECTABOND Reagent for Tissue Section Adhesion
Catalog #: SP-1800
Unit Size: 7ml
VECTABOND™ Reagent (SP-1800) is designed to significantly increase the adherence of both frozen and paraffin-embedded tissue sections and cell preparations to glass slides and coverslips. Tissue sections will remain attached even
when subjected to the most extreme conditions, such as high temperature antigen unmasking techniques and in situ hybridization.
VECTABOND™ Reagent treated slides can be stored for long periods. This product chemically modifies the glass to form a
highly adherent surface. VECTABOND™ Reagent is provided as 7 ml of concentrate that dilutes to 350 ml of treatment solution,
sufficient for at least 500 standard slides.