英国原装进口斯旺-摩通Swann-Morton加厚型手术刀片与手术刀柄Cygnetic Blade and Handle
英国原装进口斯旺-摩通Swann-Morton加厚型手术刀片与手术刀柄Cygnetic Blade and Handle
For use within rigorous Orthopedic and General surgical procedures 'Cygnetic' ® provides the surgeon with additional strength and
stability through the patented combination of its specially designed blade and handle.
Its functionality will assist the nurse with safe and easy blade attachment and removal whilst the simple disassembly for cleaning
will be welcomed by the decontamination department.
Initially the range will include four instantly recognizable stainless steel blade shapes the CYG 10, CYG 11, CYG 15 and the CYG 20
available in boxes of 50, sterile and individually wrapped in foil packets which can be used in conjunction with the unique Cygnetic ®
Stainless Steel handle.
品名 | 订货号 | 包装规格 |
CYG10(Cygnetic 10 Blade,Stainless) | 5301 | 50片/盒 |
CYG11(Cygnetic 11 Blade,Stainless) | 5303 | 50片/盒 |
CYG15(Cygnetic 15 Blade,Stainless) | 5305 | 50片/盒 |
CYG20(Cygnetic 20 Blade,Stainless) | 5306 | 50片/盒 |
Cygnetic Handle(Stainless) | 5398 | 1把/盒 |