美国原装进口豪斯Hausser浮游生物计数板/赛吉计数筐3800 Sedgwick-Rafter Cell Counter
美国原装进口豪斯Hausser Scientific浮游生物计数板/赛吉计数筐Sedgwick-Rafter Cell Counter 3800
赛吉计数筐Sedgwick-Rafter Cell Counting Chamber整体均由玻璃制造,计数板的基板大小75 x 33mm
池子50mm x 20mm x 1mm deep,基部有100x1mm的正方形格子,整个液体体积正好1ml
Hausser Scientific Sedgwick-Rafter Cell Counter 3800
For the microscopic examination of water or dust
Can be hermetically sealed and employed in study of the growth of micro-organisms. Consists of a 33x70mm glass slide with a 20x50mm chamber, 1mm deep.
All glass construction with the cover supports inlaid in the base.
Cover glass is optically plain on both sides and 0.5mm thick.
Hausser 3800 Counting chamber with cover glass
Hausser 5040 Cover glass only
Hausser 5060 Whipple eyepiece micrometer