德国进口徕卡Leica Apex®高级胶粘剂亲水防脱载玻片Leica Apex Superior Adhesive Slides 3800080、3800080CL、3800040
德国原装进口徕卡Leica Apex®高级胶粘剂载玻片/超级防脱玻片/特优级-防脱亲水载玻片Leica Apex Superior Adhesive Slides
徕卡Leica Surgipath Apex Superior Adhesive Slides超级防脱玻片带有一种特殊的胶粘剂涂层,使玻片更具有亲水性,从而使水溶性染色剂和试剂能更加均匀的覆盖切片组织。45°的切角设计,有助于在装入载玻片打印机时减少玻璃破碎。尺寸25.5x75.5x1mm,72片/盒。
Apex BOND是Apex Adhesive Slides产品组合的延伸,专为BOND平台设计和验证。八个点代表Apex Bond的可用区域,用于BOND处理模块中的不同分配体积。
Leica Apex Superior Adhesive Slides are microscope slides made of white glass and coated with a special adhesive material that
allows the slide to be more hydrophilic.This hydrophilicity provides a better base for homogeneous covering by aqueous stains
and reagents.
3800080 Leica Apex Superior Adhesive Slide特优粘附载玻片(直角) , White白色, 72片/盒, 20盒/箱;
3800080CL Leica Apex Clipped Corner Adhesive Slide特优粘附载玻片(切角) , White白色, 72片/盒, 20盒/箱;
3800040 Leica Apex Bond Adhesive Slide超优粘附载玻片(直角) , White白色, 72片/盒, 20盒/箱.