美国进口徕卡Leica Cryo-Gel®冰冻切片包埋胶Leica Cryo-Gel Frozen Section Media 39475237
美国原装进口徕卡Leica Cryo-Gel®冰冻切片包埋胶Leica Cryo-Gel Frozen Section Media 39475237 (已停产,可用Leica徕卡FSC22包埋剂3801480代替)
徕卡Leica Cryo-Gel™是一款冻结切片用高粘度水溶性胶水,当分配到操作台面(例如样品台)上,其会固定不动,不会出现滑动现象。这款凝胶体被包装在一种独特的泵喷雾器瓶中,能够将Cryo-Gel分配到任何位置。如果全力一次性分配大约2.5 ml。对于大多数样品来说,一次分配1/4到1/2之间足够使用。根据制备样品的尺寸,该凝胶体的分配在台面上的直径尺寸象一粒豌豆(约在直径1cm)。
徕卡Leica Cryo-Gel是生物可降解的完全的水溶液。其凝固点也是0°C。无需将凝胶体涂抹在操作台上。当分配该凝胶体以后,将瓶子放在适当的位置,泵即会松开。该分配器有一个内置闸片,其能够阻止凝胶体从泵喷嘴中流出来,从而防止拿走瓶子后留下任何长丝状的残余胶体。
Leica Cryo-Gel Frozen Section Media 39475237 ( MADE IN U.S.A )
Cryo-Gel is a very viscous embedding medium for adhering frozen blocks to a pedestal for sectoning, frozen sections that 'stay put'.
It eliminates the messiness of 'runny' media. The gel is packaged in a pump-dispenser bottle that can instantly dispense the gel in any position, even when almost empty.
The dispenser has a built-in 'guillotine' that cleanly severs the gel from the pump spout and prevents any 'stringy' medium from pulling away when the
bottle is removed. 4.3 oz (128 mL) Bottle.
Leica Surgipath Cryo-Gel® Embedding Medium(39475237)
Surgipath、Instrumedics、Vibratome、McCormick Scientific、myNeurolab Part of Leica Biosystems Richmond, Inc.