Leica徕卡仪器原配配件 持续更新中
Leica 14047634172 徕卡ASP300组织脱水机脱水缸密封圈Seal lid retort
Leica 14049554934 徕卡ASP6025组织脱水机脱水缸密封圈Seal lid retort
Leica 14047640854 徕卡ASP300组织脱水机加压泵泵膜Diaphragm kit
Leica 14047634193 徕卡ASP300S/200S组织脱水机用脱水篮Basket, assy.
Leica 14039353643 徕卡Paraffin scraper石蜡清洁铲(HistoCore PEARL自动组织脱水机配件)
Leica 14047846434 徕卡CV5030封片机夹头Gripper Assy. (New)
Leica 14050237999 徕卡石蜡切片机快速样品夹头Universal cassette clamp
Leica 14047740045 徕卡CM1950样品托40mm Specimen disc 40, assy.
Leica 14047742491 徕卡CM1950冰冻切片机支架防卷板Anti-roll platte, assy. 70mm-50μm
Leica 14047740368 徕卡CM1950冰冻切片机锁杆Clamping lever, assy.
Leica 14047740093 徕卡CM1950冰冻切片机加热玻璃窗Heated window, assy.
Leica 14047742630 徕卡CM1950冰冻切片机主板Main PCB
Leica 14047743164 徕卡CM1950冰冻切片机XLAVE板Cryostat SlaveBoard Assy.
Leica 14012335604 徕卡ST5020染色机步进电机驱动器PCB Stepper Motor Driver Leiterplatte SD5114 schrittmotor treiber
Leica 14048141980 徕卡VT1200振动切片机进样电机horizontal drive
Leica 14048142089 徕卡缓冲液盘,组件(塑料)Buffer Tray, Assembly (Plastics)
Leica 14046230132 徕卡S型缓冲盘Buffer Tray S Assembly
Leica 14038846858 徕卡EG1150H包埋机包埋槽组件Tray-heated,assy EG1150H - Service Parts
Leica 14050229552 徕卡切片机刀架压板Pressure Plate Front, 26°
Leica Bond S21.1971 徕卡Bond混合站 Bond Mixing Stations
Leica Bond 49.4571.A 徕卡Bond免疫组化仪一抗试剂条染色架Workorder Accessories Kit Row
Leica Bond S21.1927.W 徕卡Bond免疫组化仪PM保养包Bond-MAX PM Kit
Leica Bond S21.1927.U 徕卡Bond免疫组化仪PM保养包Bond-MAX PM Kit
Leica Bond S21.1927.T 徕卡Bond免疫组化仪PM保养包Bond-MAX PM Kit
Leica Bond S21.1981.110.B 徕卡Bond免疫组化仪扫描枪Workorder 19145 Hand Held Bar Code Reader
Leica S21.0562.E 徕卡仪器加热块Heater Assy Position 1 to 9
Leica S26.4548.H 徕卡脱水机PM保养包Peloris Preventative Maintenance Kit
Leica 14080038506 徕卡服务套件 IR下传感器Serv. Kit IR Sensor lower
Leica 14025334214 徕卡选择器座O型圈O-ring 7.65 x 1.78 FKM适用于Leica ASP200/300
Leica 14049548453 徕卡阀门PM套件Wear part kit liquid valve适用于Leica ASP6025
Leica 14025345880 徕卡 O-RingO型圈9.5x2.5 FKM ASP6025
Leica 14080038505 徕卡服务套件 IR上传感器
Leica 14045230036 徕卡ventilator motor NU 16-30-2 / 096 16W风扇电机VNT适用于Leica CM1850
Leica 14025345452 徕卡O型圈O-ring 28x3 mm, pack of 5