德国原装进口徕卡Leica HistoCore普通HE载玻片/防脱载玻片PERMASLIDE Plus Slides 3800449CL、3800455CL
德国原装进口徕卡Leica HistoCore PERMASLIDE普通HE载玻片/防脱载玻片PERMASLIDE and PERMASLIDE Plus Thermal Slides
原装进口徕卡Leica PERMASLIDE普通HE载玻片和防脱载玻片,45度切角设计,完美匹配Leica HistoCore PERMA S Slide Printer热敏玻片打印机。
PERMASLIDE and PERMASLIDE Plus Thermal Slides 75.5x25.5x1mm
Designed and validated specifically for the new HistoCore PERMA S Slide Printer, the PERMASLIDE portfolio provides consistent,
high quality, easy to read imprints for use with thermal print technology.
Available in both an adhesive clipped corner and non adhesive clipped corner slide.
Each box contains 100 Slides. Each Case 1,000 slides (10 boxes)
3800449CL Leica White Clipped PERMASLIDE 普通HE载玻片,100片/盒,10盒/箱
3800455CL Leica White Clipped PERMASLIDE Plus Adhesive 正电荷防脱载玻片,100片/盒,10盒/箱