美国原装进口飞世尔Fisherbrand™ Superfrost白色磨砂载玻片Fisherbrand™ Superfrost™ Microscope Slides
美国原装进口飞世尔Fisherbrand™ Superfrost白色磨砂载玻片Fisherbrand™ Superfrost™ Disposable Microscope Slides
● Superfrost白色涂层可耐受大多数实验室常用化学品和试剂
● 带亮白色不透明标记区
● 印有“SPECIMEN” 字样,便于操作时准确定位
● 可在玻片上印制您所在的实验室或医院等字样
● 每72片放在一个分配盒中,包装方便取用 (一个包装盒含2个分配盒)
FIS 12-550-123 长×宽 3× 1 ' , 厚度1 mm,144片/盒, 10盒/箱
FIS 12-550-133 长×宽 3× 1 ' , 厚度1.2 mm, 144片/盒, 10盒/箱
FIS 12-550-143 长×宽 75× 25 mm, 厚度1 mm,144片/盒, 10盒/箱
FIS 22-038-100 长×宽 75× 25 mm, 厚度1 mm,Clipped,144片/盒, 10盒/箱
Thermo Fisher Scientific Fisherbrand™ Superfrost™ Disposable Microscope Slides
Brilliant white, opaque coating takes and retains most laboratory marking methods.
Each side has a written key for easy orientation; the word “SPECIMEN” instantly tells you which side is up.
Slides can be imprinted with your laboratory or hospital's name (call your Fisher HealthCare™ Sales Representative for details)