美国进口徕卡Leica Surgipath FSC22冷冻切片OCT包埋剂Leica FSC 22 Frozen Section Media 3801480、3801481
美国原装进口徕卡Leica Surgipath FSC 22冷冻切片OCT包埋剂Leica Frozen Section Media
FSC 22是水溶性冰冻包埋剂,有无色和蓝色两款型号,其中蓝色包埋剂特别适用于小型组织包埋,切片时更容易识别标本。
美国原装进口徕卡Leica Surgipath FSC 22 Frozen Section Compound Clear , 订货号3801480 , 无色, 118ml/瓶 , 9瓶/盒.
美国原装进口徕卡Leica Surgipath FSC 22 Frozen Section Compound Blue , 订货号3801481 , 蓝色, 118ml/瓶, 9瓶/盒.
FSC 22 Frozen Section Media (Made In U.S.A.)
FSC 22® is a water soluble embedding compound used in frozen sectioning.
The compound bonds and encapsulates tissue specimens to the object holder for cryosectioning.
It provides excellent sectioning consistencywith minimal curling of sections at a working temperature of -20 °C.
FSC 22 is available in clear or in light blue for better visualization of small specimens.
It is highly recommended for surgical pathology laboratories.
Leica Biosystems Richmond, Inc.(U.S.A.)