美国进口Leica徕卡HistoCore SPECTRA CV X1封片胶/封固剂3801733
美国原装进口Leica徕卡HistoCore SPECTRA CV X1封片胶/封固剂3801733
HistoCore SPECTRA CV X1 是一种快速干燥的二甲苯封固剂。它添加有抗氧化剂,以抑制污渍褪色并防止形成年轮。它设置起来迅速,可在安装后立即用于玻片制备。 SPECTRA X1 可溶于二甲苯、甲苯和大多数二甲苯替代品。150ml/瓶,2瓶/盒。
Leica HistoCore SPECTRA CV X1, Mounting Medium
HistoCore SPECTRA CV X1 is a rapid drying, xylene based mounting media. An antioxidant is added to inhibit stain fading and prevent the formation of annual rings. It sets up quickly, allowing slide preparations to be handled immediately after mounting. SPECTRA X1 is soluble in xylene, toluene, and most xylene substitutes.
This product is only available for use in conjunction with the HistoCore SPECTRA CV.
3801733 Leica HistoCore SPECTRA CV X1, Mounting Medium