德国徕卡Leica Super Cassettes超大组织塑料包埋盒38VSP59064
原装进口徕卡Leica超大组织塑料包埋盒Leica Super Cassettes 38VSP59064
尺寸:3' x 2' x ¾' (75 x 52 x 17 mm),有7种颜色可供选择,数量为25个一盒,100只/箱。
Leica Super Cassettes allow the processing* and/or embedding of large sections of brain, eyes, intact joints,
some whole animal organs, whole prostates, complete multiple tissue cases and any other larger specimens.
Ideal for veterinary and research pharmaceutical laboratories.
Dimensions: 3' x 2' x ¾' (75 x 52 x 17 mm).
Available in seven different colors, in quantities of 100.
*Processing schedules must be adjusted accordingly.
38VSP59060 | LEICA WHITE SUPER CASSETTES CASE | 1 Case of 100 pieces |
38VSP59061 | LEICA ORANGE SUPER CASSETTES CASE | 1 Case of 100 pieces |
38VSP59062 | LEICA BLUE SUPER CASSETTES CASE | 1 Case of 100 pieces |
38VSP59064 | LEICA YELLOW SUPER CASSETTES CASE | 1 Case of 100 pieces |
38VSP59065 | LEICA GREEN SUPER CASSETTES CASE | 1 Case of 100 pieces |
38VSP59066 | LEICA RED SUPER CASSETTES CASE | 1 Case of 100 pieces |
38VSP59067 | LEICA GRAY SUPER CASSETTES CASE | 1 Case of 100 pieces |
38VSP58166 | LEICA SUPER METAL BASE MOLDS | 1 Case of 10 pieces |