SPI-Pon 812R环氧树脂包埋试剂盒SPI-Pon 812R Embedding Kit, DMP-30(2x30ml) Formulation, with DDSA and NMA
美国原装进口SPI-Pon 812R环氧树脂包埋试剂盒SPI-Pon 812R Embedding Kit, DMP-30(2x30ml) Formulation, with DDSA and NMA
SPI-Pon 812R SPI-Pon 812R Embedding Kit, DMP-30(2x30ml) Formulation, with DDSA and NMA
Item# 02660R-AB
SPI Pon 812R 450 ml
SPI DDSA 450 ml
SPI NMA 450 ml
SPI DMP-30 2x30 ml
Background on SPI-Pon 812R Resin (Replacement for SPI-PON 812 Resin):
SPI-Pon 812R was developed as a direct substitute for the epoxy resin known as "SPI-PON 812". It has been proven that there are no differences between SPI-PON 812 and EPON 812 with regards to sectioning, staining, or stability in the electron beam.
SPI-Pon 812R is the preferred resin for samples that have solubilities to resin monomers (that is, the samples can potentially be dissolved by the monomer or combination of monomers). Special methods have been published for applications with these kinds of samples. SPI-Pon 812R resin has great versatility. It can be the embedding resin of choice for biological tissue material as well as materials such as catalysts or plastic samples. No other resin can be used over such a broad range of samples representing such a wide range of hardness.
Most users of the SPI-Pon resin kit cure their samples at 60°C. Faster cures are possible at slightly higher temperatures, up to 70°C. SPI-Pon 812 in the cured state is completely inert with regards to osmium tetroxide exposure and is the preferred resin for those staining with osmium tetroxide. This is the case for both life science and materials science samples. See user instructions for complete details.
SPI Supplies Structure Probe, Inc.(U.S.A.)