德国原装进口徕卡Leica无荧光镜油Leica Type F Immersion liquid 10ml 11513859
德国原装进口徕卡Leica无荧光显微镜镜油/浸镜油Leica Type F Immersion liquid 11513859
Leica徕卡Type F型极低自发荧光镜油,推荐用于荧光应用和APO物镜使用.
Leica Immersion oil 10 ml, Type F Immersion liquid, very low autofluorescence. ISO 8036.
ne=1.518 ve=46 or 47
When using oil immersion objectives only the immersion
oils specified in the table may be used. The use of different
oils can lead to damages of the objective.