原装进口Leica徕卡Surgipath封片剂、代用剂封片胶Sub-X Mounting Medium 3801741
美国徕卡Leica Surgipath封片剂、代用剂封片胶Sub-X Mounting Medium(3801741)
原装进口Leica徕卡Surgipath Sub-X Mounting Medium(封片胶、盖片封固剂、封片剂、二甲苯代用剂封片胶),不含二甲苯,无毒、环保,适合所有品牌的盖片机和人工手动盖片,473ml/瓶,4瓶/箱。
Sub-X Mounting Medium is a quick-drying, permanent mountant formulated to be compatible with a Sub-X Clearing Agent and all xylene substitutes on the market.
It is toluene-based and may also be used to cover slip preparations cleared with xylene or toluene. Its low viscosity provides an easy flow, bubble-free medium suitable for manual as well as automated coverslipping.
Leica Surgipath Sub-X contains an antioxidant to inhibit fading of stains.